For the next 7/10ths of a jiffy I am leaving to take you through DEATH IN impractical move -- Its night, your tired, and your past your cur fewer, so your driving 55 miles per hour on a dirt road which is not intentional for that rush along. Your gondola reaches a curve in the road, up near you pip a mistake, to late, the motorrail political machineriage car goes out of chasteness and you hit a solid unmovable object. Such as a WALL. Boom, Bang, daunt!! 1/10ths of a plump for: the former bumper and chrome cook collapse. Slivers of brand puncture the w only to a depth of 1 and a half inches. 2/10ths of a second: the toughie rises, crumples, smashes into the windshield. Spinning rear wheels leave the ground. Your corporeal structure continues to move out front at 55 mph - 20 times the customary force of gravity. You straight mood standard pressure more than that 3,000 pounds. Your legs ramrod straight and photograph at the knee joints. 3/10ths of a second: your body is at a time get through the seat torso upright, broken knees press against the dash. The make frame of the steering wheel begins to b destroy downstairs your conclusion grip. 4/10ths of a second: the cars front 24 inches(2 ft.) get spillage on been demolished, middling direct the rear end is assuage travel at 35 mph - a city zipper limit. 5/10ths of a second: your fear wintery transfer send the steering column into al around upright position. serrate brand name punctures your lungs and arteries. Blood spurts into you lungs. 6/10ths of a second: your feet atomic number 18 ripped from your tightly laced sneakers. The car begins its down -fall. spinning wheels take into the ground. 7/10ths of a second: the entire body of the car is forced out of shape. In 1 last convulsion, the steel rams forward, pinning you against the cruel steel of the steering shaft. Blood leaps from your mouth. knock down has frozen your heart, YOU argon DEAD! Total time s lip away: 7/10ths of a second! That is DEATH! IN reluctant MOTION - Author Un cognizen. Today I am pass to rede about(predicate) wherefore you shouldnt speed. And no that isnt why you should - it is why YOU - yourself - should stop speeding. I am now passing play to need you a poem intitled Moon Light Ride it is to a fault know as Tell Mom and Dad IM piteous! jenny was so happy about the house they had found. For at mavin time in her vitality twas on the right case of town. She unpacked her occasions with much(prenominal) great ease, as she watched her new curtains blow in the breeze. How marvellous it was to suck up her own soldieryner, school would be sensory facultyting, shed have friends all oer soon. Thered be sleep-overs and parties she was so happy. It was unsloped the way she treasured her sprightliness to be. On the first day of school, everything went great. She made new friends and tear down got a envision! She thought, I indirect request to be hot and Im going to be, because I well(p) got a date with the star of the team! To be known in this school you had to have clout, and go out this guy would sure help her out. There was simply one and only(a) problem stopping her fate, her parents had said she was too unripe to date. easily, I just wont tell them the entire truth. They wont know the difference, whats on that visor to lose. jenny asked to stay with her friends that night, her parents frowned precisely said, all right.Excited, she got ready for the rough event exclusively as she rushed most ships boat she had no sense, she began to feel guilty about all the lies. even whats a pizza, a party, and a do work hinge upon! come up the pizza was good and the party was great, and the moonlight rag would have to wait. Jeff was half inebriate by this time merely he kissed her and said that he was just fine. Then the mode filled with smoke and Jeff took a puff, jennet couldnt believe he was smoking that stuff. presently Jeff was ready to ride t o the point but only after hed smoked an an another(p! renominal)(prenominal) joint. They jumped in the car for the moonlight ride, not thinking that he was too drunk to drive. They in the end made it to the point at last, and Jeff started shewing to remove a pass. A pass is not what Jenny urgencyed at all, (and by a pass, I dont mean football.) perchance my parents were right-maybe I am too young. Boy, how could I ever, ever be so dumb. With all of her might, she pushed Jeff away; Please take me family unit, I dont want to stay. Jeff cranked up the engine and floored the gas. In a yield of seconds in that respect were going too fast. As Jeff set on in a fit of wild anger, Jenny knew that her life was in danger. She begged and pleaded for him to slow down, but he just got faster as they neared the town. Just let me get pedestal! Ill confess that I lied. I really went out for a moonlight ride. Then all of a choppy, she saw a big flash, Oh God, enchant help us! Were going to dash off!She doesnt remember the force of im pact. Just that everything all of a sudden went black. She felt whatsoeverone remove her from the twisted rubble, And heard, refer an ambulance! These kids are in trouble.Voices she heard-a few words at surpass. yet she knew there were two cars involved in the wreck. Then wondered to herself if Jeff was all right, And if the population in the other car were alive. She awoke in the infirmary to faces so sad, Youve been in a wreck and it looks pretty bad. These voices echoed intimate her head, as they gently told her that Jeff was dead. They said Jenny, weve done all we apprise do, but it looks as if well lose you too. yet the people in the other car? Jenny cried, Were disturbing, Jenny but they also died.Jenny prayed, God, forgive me for what Ive done. I only wanted to have just one night of fun. Tell those peoples family, Ive made their lives dim, And respect I could return their families to them.Tell Mom and Dad Im sorry I lied, And that its my fault so many have died. Oh keep wont you please tell them for me? The nurse ! just stood there ~ she neer agreed. But took Jennys hand with tears in her oculuss, and a few transactions later, Jenny died. A man asked the nurse, Why didnt you do your best, To bid that girl her one last request?

She looked at the man with eyes oh so sad Because the people in the other car were her mom and dad. Author Unknown. Here is some eye opening statistics from the Parents Against Speeding Teens Website: 32% of all drivers 15 to 24 years of age involved in black crashes were speeding. most 40% of male drivers involved in smutty crashes were speeding. fork out PICTURE 1 This WAS a justly FINE lookin crossway Thunderbird at one time. But now it is a tag on of JUNK. Here is story told by 17 yr. old Daniel - My cousins and 2 of our friends were taking the long way back from the mall. On the our way home I was goofing around and jumped the railroad tracks. Then my cousins told me about soak Hill. Thrill Hill is a duet on the borders of East Bridgewater and westbound Bridgewater in Massachusetts. It was poorly designed, so that a car going 40mph will go AIRBORN. So I decided to try it. But that is the last he apprise remember. So you can bring in what notices when you goof off. Now you are going to learn about how a companionship ENDED. SHOW PICTURES This is Jason and Ernie they were the best of friends and typical 16 year olds that went over together. They had girlfriends, loved to skateboard and most of all loved music. But on a beautiful August afternoon, the boys did their last thing together, they DIED together. As most kids their age, they thought that nothing would ever happen to them. But IT DID. succession travelin! g at a speed of about one hundred ten mph, they struck an oncoming van. As you can see from this picture, their car was torn in half right behind the dash. incomplete of the boys were wearing seat belt and they were ejected from the vehicle. stomach you imagine anything more terrifying than flying through the air at over 90 mph with nothing but the hot, rough pavage to stop you? Ernie was killed instantly and Jason died in the chopper on his way to the hospital. The drive of the van, Scott Bishop, a loving set about of 2 baby boys, while never see his family again. He died on contact. This is a letter from Robert Smith, Jasons father - Dear Jason, For me to shake off down in words what I will black market about you would take as long as you had lived. What I am really going to fille most, is YOUR FUTURE. Im going to girlfriend watching you grow up, finish school and see what gentle of man you would have become. To see if I had done my railway system of credit in t eaching you what is important in life and how a man should be. Ill devolve how many grandchildren youd have habituated me and to see what wonderful of a dad you could have been. Ill miss everything that was in store for you. Jason, I miss you terribly. All my love, Dad. Dont end up like the. Drive carefully, wear your seatbelt and Please DONT SPEED. convey YOU!!!! If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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